Information about the 11+ exam in Cumbria.
The 11plus in Cumbria.
With just one grammar school in the Cumbria region demand for places in Y7 is high and children must score highly in the entrance test. There are roughly 120 places available in year 7. Often more than twice this number sit the 11+ entrance exams. The grammar school is the Queen Elizabeth Grammar School in Penrith.
The Grammar School - contact details.
Pupils will be selected for a place at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School on the basis of their aptitude for the academic nature of the education offered at the school, such selection being by way of evidence of aptitude from the entrance test. All who are considering applying for a place at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School should register for the entrance test application online. Please note that this does not replace the Local Authority online preference form (SA3) which must also be completed, otherwise a valid application will not have been made.
Test content
This school use GL Verbal Reasoning and there are three papers each 50 minutes long. The test format is such that the child will sit all three tests on the one day. These tests are in Verbal Reasoning, Mathematics and Non-Verbal Reasoning.
Contact details for
Queen Elizabeth Grammar School
Phone: 01768 864621
Date to Register: July - September
Date of Exam: October
11+ exam content in Cumbria:-
Verbal Reasoning, Mathematics and Non-Verbal Reasoning.
Further Information
​Your child’s Head Teacher will be able to answer most questions.
You can also contact Cumbria Local Authority schools and learning for more information.
** This information is provided for guidance only and while the content is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate we cannot be held in any way responsible for any errors or omissions that it may contain. Please contact your LA or chosen grammar school for all admission and elevenplus exam queries.**